vRops – Telegraf enrol through suite-api

vRops – Telegraf enrol through suite-api

So it’s been a while since my last post, I’m still alive!! It’s been a busy 17 months for my family, after getting stuck trying to relocate back to Australia from Europe during the Covid19 lockdown, changing jobs and all the stuff that comes with it doesn’t give...

Automated RVTools to PowerBI Dataset push / uploader

So this next post covers how to automagically pull data from RVTools and push the results into a PowerBI Dataset. After spotting @Kim_Bottu post over at vmusketeers, I realised that maybe there would be some interest from the community in my script to push datasets on...

ESXi 7.X – Host cannot enter maintenance mode – WTF?

This next one left me scratching my head… I was trying to put one of my hosts into MM for an NSX upgrade / patching and got the following error: Host cannot enter maintenance mode because it failed to enter Namespaces maintenance mode on the node. What is really...

Expanding storage on my SuperMicro sys-5028d-tn4t

Quick little post around expanding storage on my SuperMicro sys-5028d-tn4t / device compatibility… I found a reasonably prices 2TB expansion for the homelab… While I know it’s not the best device / solution in terms of performance it is value for...

ESXi 7: Unable to Stop Syslog service.

Avert your eyes people, no fix for this one in the post… (yet) I just wanted to inform the community about a little bug / error with the syslog service on vSphere / ESXi 7 which I stumbled on. I started a little thread over at the VMware community forums,...