Update: vRops 8.2 still works!
So this next post is an update to my original post around enabling automation for the “deleted snapshot” action in vRops 7.5… but to be honest it’s universal and not specific to the “deleted snapshot” action.
So as of vRops 8.0 VMware changed the automation config describe from /usr/lib/vmware-vcops/user/plugins/inbound/PythonRemediationVcenterAdapter3/conf to /usr/lib/vmware-vcops/user/plugins/inbound/vmwarevi_adapter3/conf (Thanks Kim from vmusketeers.com for letting me know.)
So basically it’s all the same except for the file which needs to be updated, so make sure to check out the original post but update the new describe.xml
I have tested this on vRops 8.1.0 (15972145)
Modify from none to context
Then run the redescribe as mentioned in the previous post, go into the policy you can now enable automation!
Mmmmm… things that you are not supposed to do but can, love it.
Hope it was helpful
Nice post 👍
This can also be done with vRO 👍 I created a workflow which can be scheduled: https://vautomation.dev/2019/11/vmware/vrealize-orchestrator/remove-vra-vm-expired-snapshots/
The workflow looks at vRA managed machines (as it looks up a VM property for the expiry in X days) but could be adjusted to just look at all vCenter VMs and have expiry config hardcoded or as a config element 😊
Nice, thanks for sharing!
This did not work for me. i have tried for 8.0 . In recommendation i gave vcenter adapter instead of python action adapter . I think there is no seperate python adapter in vrops 8.0 . Everything worked fine as per configuration but snapshot deletion was not triggered .
Works on my vRops, I just checked it and had something trigger automatically today.
You need to check your settings or permissions again.
while creating recommendation which is the adapter name
Did you create clone of alert and clone of symptom as well
Follow the instructions here: https://vman.ch/vrops-enabling-automation-for-delete-snapshot-action/ for exactly what I did, then make sure to adapt it to v8.0 from this post.
Still working with v8.4.0 needs reapplied every update/patch.
If you are using this hack and have valid support, please submit a feature request for this.
Thanks for the post!
I am trying the same on my vrops Version: 8.2.0 (19155835)
Edition: Standard
but looks not working. Any help please.
Check this one out: https://vman.ch/vrops-8-2-enabling-automation-for-deleted-snapshot-action-and-others/