by vMan | Sep 26, 2016 | NSX, Powershell, vCenter, vRops
For those of you which couldn’t make it to VMworld 2016 (like myself) check out some of the presentations / videos… Full List of videos here Some of the interesting ones for vRops: MGT7924 – vRealize Operations Capacity Explained MGT7718 –...
by vMan | Sep 25, 2016 | Powershell, vRops
So this post is to help someone over at the vRops vmware communities, they wanted to dump all reports from vRops via the Suite-API so i wrote them a little script to help them on their way… used in conjunction with my first...
by vMan | Sep 23, 2016 | NSX, Powershell
I just wrote a little function to get out Flow Stats out of NSX … hopefully this might be useful to someone else. If you appreciated the function, please check out a few of the sponsored Ad’s to help with my hosting Function GetNSXFlow([String]$SearchObj,...
by vMan | Sep 10, 2016 | Security, vRops
I discovered an new unknown vulnerability on my vRops 6.3 home lab that allows any user logging in with the Authentication Source: Active Directory (others sources not yet confirmed) to change the user role membership as they please. This allowed me to...
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