#UPDATE 06.07.2018# Since version 3.7 of vRNI the support user can no longer execute cli show-service-status due to permissions, so the line below will need to be updated
$commandOutput = Invoke-SSHCommand -SessionId 0 -Command "cli show-service-status"
$commandOutput = Invoke-SSHCommand -SessionId 0 -Command "sudo cli show-service-status"
So this next post is a solution I built to monitor the health of vRNI using powershell and email alerting…
Anyone who has used vRNI knows that the thing doesn’t have an API to hit and query the state of the services…. the only way to check the health is to ssh in as the support or consoleuser and run the command “show-service-status” via the CLI….
As I needed to monitor this in an automated way and get alerted when something isn’t running I built the solution below in powershell using posh-ssh module and run it scheduled.
You will require the following structure
..\vRNI-HealthCheck.ps1 ..\log\logfile.log ..\config\vRLI.xml ..\config\smtp.xml
So that I don’t keep being prompted for the “support” user credentials I save the user and password with the powershell Get-Credential command.
$cred = Get-Credential $cred | Export-Clixml -Path "D:\vRNI-HealthCheck\Config\vRLI.xml"
Repeat the same for the SMTP server authentication
$cred = Get-Credential $cred | Export-Clixml -Path "D:\vRNI-HealthCheck\Config\SMTP.xml"
Script usage
.\vRNI-Healthcheck.ps1 -nodes 'vRNI.vMan.ch','vRNI-proxy.vMan.ch' -creds 'vRNI' -email 'info@vMan.ch' -FileName 'vRNI-Report.csv' -OutputLocation 'D:\vRNI-HealthCheck\'
now to the script… (you will want to update the mail server, sender etc variables and some other stuff below…)
I have started using github so make sure to check the latest version here
<# Powershell vRNI Healthcheck script Requires posh-ssh module --> Find-Module Posh-SSH | Install-Module v1.0 vMan.ch, 20.01.2018 - Initial Version SSH to each server in Nodes using posh-ssh and run command "cli show-service-status" and searches for any service "not running" Script requires Powershell v3 and above. Run the command below to store user and pass in secure credential XML for each environment $cred = Get-Credential $cred | Export-Clixml -Path "G:\Scripts\vRNI-HealthCheck\config\vRNI.xml" #> param ( [array]$nodes, [String]$creds, [String]$Email, [String]$FileName, [String]$OutputLocation ) #Logging Function Function Log([String]$message, [String]$LogType, [String]$LogFile){ $date = Get-Date -UFormat '%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S' $message = $date + "`t" + $LogType + "`t" + $message $message >> $LogFile } #Get Stored Credentials $ScriptPath = (Get-Item -Path ".\" -Verbose).FullName if($creds -gt ""){ $cred = Import-Clixml -Path "$ScriptPath\config\$creds.xml" } else { echo "No Credentials Selected" Exit } #vars $RunDateTime = (Get-date) $RunDateTime = $RunDateTime.tostring("yyyyMMddHHmmss") $LogFileLoc = $ScriptPath + '\Log\Logfile.log' $mailserver = 'smtp.vman.ch' $mailport = 25 if($Email -imatch '^.*@vman\.ch If a service is not running you should get an email like this with an attachment. I know there is room for improvement... hope this helps someone... after all i cant do you whole job for you! vMan ){ Log -Message "$email matches the vMan.ch domain" -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc Echo "$email matches the vMan.ch domain" $SMTPcred = Import-Clixml -Path "$ScriptPath\config\smtp.xml" $SMTPU = $SMTPcred.GetNetworkCredential().Username $SMTPP = $SMTPcred.GetNetworkCredential().Password } else { Log -Message "$email is not in the vMan.ch domain, will not send mail but report generation will continue" -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc Echo "$email is not in the vMan.ch domain, will not send mail but report generation will continue" $Email = '' } #Send Email Function Function SS64Mail($SMTPServer, $SMTPPort, $SMTPuser, $SMTPPass, $strSubject, $strBody, $strSenderemail, $strRecipientemail, $AttachFile) { [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = { return $true } $MailMessage = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $SMTPClient = New-Object System.Net.Mail.smtpClient ($SMTPServer, $SMTPPort) $SMTPClient.EnableSsl = $true $SMTPClient.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($SMTPuser, $SMTPPass) $Recipient = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailAddress($strRecipientemail, "Recipient") $Sender = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailAddress($strSenderemail, "vRNI SSH HealthChecker") $MailMessage.Sender = $Sender $MailMessage.From = $Sender $MailMessage.Subject = $strSubject $MailMessage.To.add($Recipient) $MailMessage.IsBodyHtml = $true $MailMessage.Body = $strBody if ($AttachFile -ne $null) {$MailMessage.attachments.add($AttachFile) } $SMTPClient.Send($MailMessage) } $NodeReport = @() ForEach ($node in $nodes) { $RunDateTimeReport = (Get-date) $RunDateTimeReport = $RunDateTimeReport.tostring("HH:mm:ss dd/MM/yyyy") Log -Message "Create new SSH session to $node" -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc New-SSHSession -ComputerName $node -Credential $cred -AcceptKey -Force Log -Message "Running command cli show-service-status on $node" -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc $commandOutput = Invoke-SSHCommand -SessionId 0 -Command "cli show-service-status" $ServiceStatus = $commandOutput.Output -replace '([^0-9])\d([^A-Za-z])([m])' $ServiceStatus = $ServiceStatus -replace '([^0-9])\d\d' $ServiceStatus = $ServiceStatus -replace '\x1B' If ($ServiceStatus -match '(not)\b'){ Log -Message "A service is reporting as not running on $node, see below" -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc Log -Message "$ServiceStatus" -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc $SendEmail = $true } else { Log -Message "All services are reporing as running" -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc } ForEach ($ServStatus in $ServiceStatus){ $NodeReport += New-Object PSObject -Property @{ node = $node services = $ServStatus TimeStamp = $RunDateTimeReport } } #Terminate SSH session Log -Message "Terminating SSH session for $node" -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc Remove-SSHSession -SessionId 0 Clear-Variable node,ServiceStatus,RunDateTimeReport,ServiceStatus,commandOutput } Log -Message "Generating Report to file system" -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc $ReportOutput = $OutputLocation + $FileName $NodeReport | Export-Csv $ReportOutput -NoTypeInformation If ($SendEmail){ Log -Message "Emailing $Email an alert" -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc $body = "<font color=red>One or more vRNI nodes are reporting a service as not running</font><br><br>" $body += "See attached report for details<br><br>" SS64Mail $mailserver $mailport $SMTPU $SMTPP "vRNI Healthcheck at $RunDateTime detected an issue" $body 'info@vman.ch' $email $ReportOutput Log -Message "Email sent to $email" -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc } Log -Message "Script Finished" -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc
If a service is not running you should get an email like this with an attachment.
I know there is room for improvement… hope this helps someone… after all i cant do you whole job for you!
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