The next report dumps all notifications, all alarms available in the environment and all the alarms that have been triggered into alerts still retained in vRops.

The report can be run against one or multiple vRops environments and will merge the results into one report.

So to the script..

So that I don’t keep being prompted for credentials I save the service account user and password with the powershell Get-Credential command.

$cred = Get-Credential
$cred | Export-Clixml -Path "d:\vRops\Config\vc.xml"

Make sure to update the variables to match your environment / config.

$vRopsAddress : IP or DNS name of vRops environment to pull data from. (Single or array of vRops environments to target.)

$Creds : HOME is the name of the XML file to pull the credentials from IE: HOME.xml (make sure to store it in a sub-directory called config)

$Report : The file to output to.

Make sure to install otherwise the output will fail.

Note: if you have more than 5000 Resources per vRops environment you will need to adapt the script to loop through the multiple pages of suite-api results like I have done for Alerts.

#Powershell collector script for vRops Suite-api to get Alert and Notification configuration
#v1.0, 20.03.2016 - Initial Version

    Script requires Powershell v4 and install

    Run the command below to store user and pass in secure credential XML for each environment

        $cred = Get-Credential
        $cred | Export-Clixml -Path "d:\vRops\vMan.xml"


$ScriptPath = (Get-Item -Path ".\" -Verbose).FullName
$Report = "$ScriptPath\Alarms-Alerts-Notifications.xlsx"
$vRopsAddress = @('','')
$creds = 'HOME'

if($creds -gt ""){

    $cred = Import-Clixml -Path "$ScriptPath\config\$creds.xml"

    $vRopsUser = $cred.GetNetworkCredential().Username
    $vRopsPassword = $cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password
    echo "Creds not specified!"

#vRops SSL certificate trust
add-type @"
     using System.Net;
     using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
     public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy {
         public bool CheckValidationResult(
             ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate,
             WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) {
             return true;
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy

$notifications = @()
$alerts = @()
$alerttype = @()
$alertsubtypes = @()
$alertList = @()

ForEach ($vRops in $vRopsAddress){

    Echo "Collecting Alert and Notification configuration from $vRops"  

    $Notif = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "https://$vRops/suite-api/api/notifications/rules/?pageSize=5000" -Credential $cred 
    $alert = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "https://$vRops/suite-api/api/alertdefinitions/?pageSize=5000" -Credential $cred
    $types = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "https://$vRops/suite-api/api/alerts/types/?pageSize=5000" -Credential $cred
    $AList = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "https://$vRops/suite-api/api/alerts?pageSize=1" -Credential $cred
    $RList = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "https://$vRops/suite-api/api/resources?pageSize=1" -Credential $cred

    If ($AList.alerts.pageInfo.totalCount -lt 5001){

        $AListCount = 1 }

    Else { 
        [int]$AListCount = [math]::Round($AList.alerts.pageInfo.totalCount/5000) 

    If ($RList.alerts.pageInfo.totalCount -lt 5001){

        $RListCount = 1 }

    Else { 
        [int]$RListCount = [math]::Round($RList.resources.pageInfo.totalCount/5000) 

    $resourceIdLookupTable = @{}
            While ($i -ine $RListCount) {

            $RListURL = 'https://' + $vRops + '/suite-api/api/resources?page=' + $i + '&pageSize=5000'

            $RList = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $RListURL -Credential $cred

                ForEach ($Item in $Rlist.resources.resource){
                    $resourceIdLookupTable += @{$Item.identifier = $}

    $resourceTypeLookupTable = @{}
            While ($i -ine $RListCount) {

            $RListURL = 'https://' + $vRops + '/suite-api/api/resources?page=' + $i + '&pageSize=5000'

            $RList = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $RListURL -Credential $cred

                ForEach ($Item in $Rlist.resources.resource){
                    $resourceTypeLookupTable += @{$Item.identifier = $Item.resourceKey.resourceKindKey}

        ForEach ($Note in $notif.'notification-rules'.'notification-rule' ){

            ForEach ($Crit in $Note.criticalities -split ' '){

                ForEach ($AlrType in $Note.alertTypeFilters.alertType -split ','){

                    ForEach ($AlrSubType in $Note.alertTypeFilters.alertSubTypes -split ','){

            $notifications += New-Object PSObject -Property @{

            vRops               = $vRops
            Name                = $
            id                  = $
            Email               = $ | where name -eq 'emailaddr' | Select '#text' 
            resend              = $ | where name -eq 'resend' | Select '#text'
            maxNotify           = $ | where name -eq 'maxNotify' | Select '#text'
            alertControlStates  = $Note.alertControlStates
            alertStatuses       = $Note.alertStatuses
            resourceKind        = $Note.resourceKindFilter.resourceKind
            adapterKind         = $Note.resourceKindFilter.adapterKind
            criticalities       = $Crit
            alertType           = $AlrType
            alertSubTypes       = $AlrSubType

        ForEach ($lrt in $alert.'alert-definitions'.'alert-definition' ){

            $alerts += New-Object PSObject -Property @{

            vRops               = $vRops
            Name                = $
            description         = $lrt.description
            Adapter             = $lrt.adapterKindKey
            ResourceKindKey     = $lrt.ResourceKindKey
            Type                = $lrt.Type
            Subtype             = $lrt.Subtype
            Severity            = $lrt.states.state.severity
            Impact              = ($lrt.states.state.Impact.detail).ToUpper()

        ForEach ($typ in $types.'alert-types'.'alert-type' ){

            $alerttype += New-Object PSObject -Property @{

            vRops               = $vRops
            name                = $
            description         = $typ.description
            id                  = $
            subtypes            = $typ.subtypes

        ForEach ($Subtyp in $alerttype.subtypes ){

            $alertsubtypes += New-Object PSObject -Property @{

            vRops               = $vRops
            Name                = $
            Description         = $Subtyp.description
            id                  = $

            While ($Alerti -ine $AListCount) {

            $AListURL = 'https://' + $vRops + '/suite-api/api/alerts?page=' + $Alerti + '&pageSize=5000'

            $AList = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $AListURL -Credential $cred -TimeoutSec 120

                ForEach ($ActiveAlert in $AList.alerts.alert ){

                    $alertList += New-Object PSObject -Property @{

                    vRops               = $vRops
                    Name                = $resourceIdLookupTable.Item($ActiveAlert.resourceId)
                    ResourceKind        = $resourceTypeLookupTable.Item($ActiveAlert.resourceId)
                    alertId             = $ActiveAlert.alertId 
                    resourceId          = $ActiveAlert.resourceId
                    alertLevel          = $ActiveAlert.alertLevel
                    type                = $ActiveAlert.type
                    subType             = $ActiveAlert.subType
                    status              = $ActiveAlert.status
                    startTime           = If ([int64]$ActiveAlert.startTimeUTC -gt '') {([TimeZone]::CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(([datetime]'1/1/1970').AddMilliSeconds([int64]$ActiveAlert.startTimeUTC))).tostring("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss")} else {}
                    cancelTime          = If ([int64]$ActiveAlert.cancelTimeUTC -gt '') {([TimeZone]::CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(([datetime]'1/1/1970').AddMilliSeconds([int64]$ActiveAlert.cancelTimeUTC))).tostring("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss")} else {}
                    updateTime          = If ([int64]$ActiveAlert.updateTimeUTC -gt '') {([TimeZone]::CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(([datetime]'1/1/1970').AddMilliSeconds([int64]$ActiveAlert.updateTimeUTC))).tostring("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss")} else {}
                    suspendUntilTime    = If ([int64]$ActiveAlert.suspendUntilTimeUTC -gt ''){([TimeZone]::CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(([datetime]'1/1/1970').AddMilliSeconds([int64]$ActiveAlert.suspendUntilTimeUTC))).tostring("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss")} else {}
                    controlState        = $ActiveAlert.controlState 
                    alertDefinitionId   = $ActiveAlert.alertDefinitionId 
                    alertDefinitionName = $ActiveAlert.alertDefinitionName


$notifications | sort vRops,Name,Email,resend,maxNotify,id,alertControlStates,alertStatuses,criticalities,resourceKind,adapterKind,alertType,alertSubTypes –Unique | Select vRops,Name,@{Name="Email";Expression={$'#text'}},@{Name="resend";Expression={$_.resend.'#text'}},@{Name="maxNotify ";Expression={$_.maxNotify.'#text'}},id,alertControlStates,alertStatuses,criticalities,resourceKind,adapterKind,alertType,alertSubTypes | Export-Excel $Report -WorkSheetname notifications
$alerts  | sort vRops,Name,Description,Adapter,ResourceKindKey,Type,Subtype,Severity,Impact –Unique | Select vRops,Name,ResourceKindKey,Adapter,Type,Subtype,Severity,Impact,Description | Export-Excel $Report -WorkSheetname alerts
$alerttype  | sort vRops,id,name,description –Unique | select vRops,id,name,description | Export-Excel $Report -WorkSheetname alerttype 
$alertsubtypes | sort vRops,id,name,description –Unique | select vRops,id,name,description | Export-Excel $Report -WorkSheetname alertsubtypes
$alertList | sort vRops,name,ResourceKind,resourceId,alertDefinitionName,alertDefinitionId,alertId,alertLevel,type,subType,status,startTime,cancelTime,updateTime,controlState,suspendUntilTime -unique | select vRops,name,ResourceKind,resourceId,alertDefinitionName,alertDefinitionId,alertId,alertLevel,type,subType,status,startTime,cancelTime,updateTime,controlState,suspendUntilTime | Export-Excel $Report -WorkSheetname ActiveAlerts
