RaspberryPi 4b running a vSAN Witness – My experience

My plan here is not to reinvent the wheel, William Lam has provided lot’s of detail on what’s needed / how to, including a new post on getting Pi OS running! + you will also find the resources you need over at the Flings page. See below some photos, my...

vROPS 8.1+ Custom Rest Plugin for Outbound Setting

So this next post covers my custom rest outbound plugin on vRops 8.1+, as VMware made some improvements to alerting in vRops 8.1 the previous version I had needed to be recompiled and slightly improved. So for those of you which had deployed my solution on a previous...

vCSA – error in vami syslog gui – rsyslog has failed

This is a quick and dirty one… after upgrading my homelab vCenter to 6.7 I noticed that vCenter stopped sending logs to vRLI… When I logged into the VAMI and headed over to syslog section the error below was occurring when I tried to modify / test the...