So there was a question over at the VMware community forums on how to enable / disable maintenance mode on objects with a script… as this is something I was planning to do anyway I decided to script it for myself and share it with the community…

There are several options… Maintenance Mode by specifying a date / time, Maintenance Mode by specifying minutes and  Manual Maintenance mode where you have to enable and disable with the script…

Below is a screenshot of a VirtualMachine in the vRops 6.6 GUI that has Maintenance Mode enabled.

Below is a screenshot of a VirtualMachine in the vRops 6.6 Suite-Api that has Maintenance Mode enabled. (DateTime or Minutes)

Below is a screenshot of a VirtualMachine in the vRops 6.6 Suite-Api that has Manual Maintenance Mode set.


And now to the script…

You will need to create the credentials file within the config folder which will be used to access vRops Suite-API and create a log file @ \Log\Logfile.log

Then you can use the script below with the different parameters… for example….  datetime, minutes, Enter-MM or Exit-MM.

#Powershell script to manage maintenance mode of objects using the vRops Suite-api
#v1.0, 21.06.2016 - Initial Version



    This script will put objects into maintenenace mode for X minutes, until X date / time or permanently until removed

    Script requires Powershell v3 and above.

    Run the command below to store user and pass in secure credential XML for each environment

        $cred = Get-Credential
        $cred | Export-Clixml -Path "c:\vRops\config\HOME.xml"



#Logging Function
Function Log([String]$message, [String]$LogType, [String]$LogFile){
    $date = Get-Date -UFormat '%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S'
    $message = $date + "`t" + $LogType + "`t" + $message
    $message >> $LogFile

#Get Stored Credentials

$ScriptPath = (Get-Item -Path ".\" -Verbose).FullName

if($creds -gt ""){

    $cred = Import-Clixml -Path "$ScriptPath\config\$creds.xml"

    $vRopsUser = $cred.GetNetworkCredential().Username
    $vRopsPassword = $cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password
    echo "environment not specified, stop hammer time!"

$RunDateTime = (Get-date)

If ($EndDate){
    if ($RunDateTime -gt $EndDate){
    Echo "EndDate specified occurs in the past, terminating script"
$RunDateTime = $RunDateTime.tostring("yyyyMMddHHmmss") 
$LogFileLoc = $ScriptPath + '\Log\Logfile.log'

#Lookup ResourceId from Name

Function GetObject([String]$vRopsObjName, [String]$resourceKindKey, [String]$vRopsServer, $User, $Password){

$vRopsObjName = $vRopsObjName -replace ' ','%20'

$wc = new-object
$wc.Credentials = new-object System.Net.NetworkCredential($User, $Password)
[xml]$Checker = $wc.DownloadString("https://$vRopsServer/suite-api/api/resources?resourceKind=$resourceKindKey&name=$vRopsObjName")

$AlertReport = @()

# Check if we get more than 1 result and apply some logic
    If ([Int]$Checker.resources.pageInfo.totalCount -gt '1') {

        $DataReceivingCount = $Checker.resources.resource.resourceStatusStates.resourceStatusState.resourceStatus -eq 'DATA_RECEIVING'

            If ($DataReceivingCount.count -gt 1){
            $CheckerOutput = ''
            return $CheckerOutput 

            ForEach ($Result in $Checker.resources.resource){

                    $CheckerOutput = New-Object PsObject -Property @{Name=$vRopsObjName; resourceId=$Result.identifier; resourceKindKey=$Result.resourceKey.resourceKindKey}

                    Return $CheckerOutput
    $CheckerOutput = New-Object PsObject -Property @{Name=$vRopsObjName; resourceId=$Checker.resources.resource.identifier; resourceKindKey=$Checker.resources.resource.resourceKey.resourceKindKey}

                    Return $CheckerOutput


#Take all certs.
add-type @"
    using System.Net;
    using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
    public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy {
        public bool CheckValidationResult(
            ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate,
            WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) {
            return true;
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy

#Lookup Name and map to resourceId Table

$ObjectLookupTable = @()

Log -Message "Looking stuff up" -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc

ForEach ($ResourceName in $ResourceByName){

Log -Message "Looking up resourceID for $ResourceName" -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc

    #Map name to resourceId for lookup
        $resourceLookup = GetObject $ResourceName $resourceKind $vRopsAddress $vRopsUser $vRopsPassword

            If ($resourceLookup.resourceId -gt ''){

            Log -Message "Resource ID Found for $ResourceName" -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc

                $ObjectLookupTable += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                resourceId = $resourceLookup.resourceId
                resourceName = $ResourceName
                resourceKindKey = $resourceLookup.resourceKindKey

            else {

                  Log -Message "Resource ID NOT Found for $ResourceName" -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc




DateTime {

if ($ObjectLookupTable.resourceId -gt ''){

$ContentType = "application/xml;charset=utf-8"
$header = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$header.Add("Accept", 'application/xml')

    [int64]$EndDateEpoc = Get-Date -Date $EndDate.ToUniversalTime() -UFormat %s
    $EndDateEpoc = $EndDateEpoc*1000 

        Log -Message "Putting all objects into Maintenance Mode until $EndDate" -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc

            Foreach ($member in $ObjectLookupTable){

                $ResName = $member.resourceName
                $ResID = $member.resourceId
                $ResKind = $member.resourceKindKey

                    Log -Message "Putting $ResName into Maintenance Mode " -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc
                    $PUTURL = "https://$vRopsAddress/suite-api/api/resources/$ResID/maintained?end=$EndDateEpoc"

                    Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -uri $PUTURL -Credential $cred

                    $GETURL = "https://$vRopsAddress/suite-api/api/resources/$ResID"
                    [xml]$Status = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $GETURL -Credential $cred  -ContentType $ContentType -Headers $header

                    $MMState = $Status.resource.resourceStatusStates.resourceStatusState.resourceState

                    Log -Message "State is now in $MMState" -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc

                        While ($MMState -ne "MAINTAINED") {
                            [xml]$Status = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $GETURL -Credential $vRopsCreds -ContentType $ContentType -Headers $header
                            Write-host 'Checking' $ResName ' until it has been placed in Maintenance mode'
                            Sleep 3
                              } # End of block statement



Minutes {

if ($ObjectLookupTable.resourceId -gt ''){

$ContentType = "application/xml;charset=utf-8"
$header = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$header.Add("Accept", 'application/xml')

        Log -Message "Putting all objects into Maintenance Mode for $Duration minutes" -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc

            Foreach ($member in $ObjectLookupTable){

                $ResName = $member.resourceName
                $ResID = $member.resourceId
                $ResKind = $member.resourceKindKey

                    Log -Message "Putting $ResName into Maintenance Mode " -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc
                    $PUTURL = "https://$vRopsAddress/suite-api/api/resources/$ResID/maintained?duration=$Duration"

                    Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -uri $PUTURL -Credential $cred

                    $GETURL = "https://$vRopsAddress/suite-api/api/resources/$ResID"
                    [xml]$Status = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $GETURL -Credential $cred  -ContentType $ContentType -Headers $header

                    $MMState = $Status.resource.resourceStatusStates.resourceStatusState.resourceState

                    Log -Message "State is now in $MMState" -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc

                        While ($MMState -ne "MAINTAINED") {
                            [xml]$Status = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $GETURL -Credential $vRopsCreds -ContentType $ContentType -Headers $header
                            Write-host 'Checking' $ResName ' until it has been placed in Maintenance mode'
                            Sleep 3
                              } # End of block statement



Enter-MM {

if ($ObjectLookupTable.resourceId -gt ''){

$ContentType = "application/xml;charset=utf-8"
$header = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$header.Add("Accept", 'application/xml')

        Log -Message "Putting all objects into Manual Maintenance Mode" -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc

            Foreach ($member in $ObjectLookupTable){

                $ResName = $member.resourceName
                $ResID = $member.resourceId
                $ResKind = $member.resourceKindKey

                    Log -Message "Putting $ResName into Manual Maintenance Mode" -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc
                    $PUTURL = "https://$vRopsAddress/suite-api/api/resources/$ResID/maintained"

                    Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -uri $PUTURL -Credential $cred

                    $GETURL = "https://$vRopsAddress/suite-api/api/resources/$ResID"
                    [xml]$Status = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $GETURL -Credential $cred  -ContentType $ContentType -Headers $header

                    $MMState = $Status.resource.resourceStatusStates.resourceStatusState.resourceState

                    Log -Message "State is now in $MMState" -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc

                        While ($MMState -ne "MAINTAINED_MANUAL") {
                            [xml]$Status = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $GETURL -Credential $vRopsCreds -ContentType $ContentType -Headers $header
                            Write-host 'Checking' $ResName ' until it has been placed in Maintenance mode'
                            Sleep 3
                              } # End of block statement



Exit-MM {

if ($ObjectLookupTable.resourceId -gt ''){

$ContentType = "application/xml;charset=utf-8"
$header = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$header.Add("Accept", 'application/xml')

        Log -Message "Putting all objects into Manual Maintenance Mode" -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc

            Foreach ($member in $ObjectLookupTable){

                $ResName = $member.resourceName
                $ResID = $member.resourceId
                $ResKind = $member.resourceKindKey

                    Log -Message "$ResName Exiting Manual Maintenance Mode" -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc
                    $DELURL = "https://$vRopsAddress/suite-api/api/resources/$ResID/maintained"

                    Invoke-RestMethod -Method DELETE -uri $DELURL -Credential $cred

                    $GETURL = "https://$vRopsAddress/suite-api/api/resources/$ResID"
                    [xml]$Status = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $GETURL -Credential $cred  -ContentType $ContentType -Headers $header

                    $MMState = $Status.resource.resourceStatusStates.resourceStatusState.resourceState

                    Log -Message "State is now in $MMState" -LogType "JOB-$RunDateTime" -LogFile $LogFileLoc

                        While ($MMState -eq "MAINTAINED_MANUAL") {
                            [xml]$Status = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $GETURL -Credential $vRopsCreds -ContentType $ContentType -Headers $header
                            Write-host 'Checking' $ResName ' until it has EXITED Maintenance Mode'
                            Sleep 3
                              } # End of block statement




.\vRops-Maintained.ps1 -vRopsAddress '' -creds 'HOME' -ResourceByName 'log','RuneCast' -resourceKind 'VirtualMachine' -SetType 'DateTime' -EndDate '2017/06/20 22:00'

.\vRops-Maintained.ps1 -vRopsAddress '' -creds 'HOME' -ResourceByName 'log','RuneCast' -resourceKind 'VirtualMachine' -SetType 'Minutes' -Duration '5'

.\vRops-Maintained.ps1 -vRopsAddress '' -creds 'HOME' -ResourceByName 'log','RuneCast' -resourceKind 'VirtualMachine' -SetType 'Enter-MM'

.\vRops-Maintained.ps1 -vRopsAddress '' -creds 'HOME' -ResourceByName 'log','RuneCast' -resourceKind 'VirtualMachine' -SetType 'Exit-MM'



Hope this helps…
